yaya best multivitamins in dubai uae

We all know how important it is for kids to start off with a healthy lifestyle so that they have a solid base to grow from. Unfortunately, their palates are often not developed enough to appreciate certain foods and this means that they’re missing out on some of the nutrients and vitamins they need to turn them into fit young adults.


Yaya Vitamins range has all the essential vitamins and nutrients that are designed specifically for children, from 2 years of age and above, to give them everything they need to develop into fit young adults. By using great fruit flavors and real fruit juices, kids will look forward for taking their daily vitamins requirements.


All Yaya Vitamins are Gelatin-Free products in the form of chewable animal shaped gummies packed in a tamper-proof container. Each bottle has 60 chewable gummies sufficient for a one-month supply.

gelatin free vitamins
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